६ वी विषय – इंग्रजी वर्णनात्मक नोंदी | 6th Class Sub- English Varnanatmak Nondi

६ वी विषय – इंग्रजी वर्णनात्मक नोंदी | 6th Class Sub- English Varnanatmak Nondi

६ वी विषय – इंग्रजी वर्णनात्मक नोंदी

6th English

सातत्यपूर्ण सर्वंकष मूल्यमापन

मूल्यमापन वर्णनात्मक – नोंदी

विषय –  इंग्रजी

1 >> He follows the instruction and act.
2 >> He can express this experience in English.
3 >> He is able to ask question in English.
>> >> He understanding simple requests.
5 >> Student listens carefully.
6 >> He is able to tell story using his own words.
7 >> He encourages learner to listen carefully.
8 >> He learn to speak about themselves.
9 >> He listen and write the passage.
10 >> He can speak boldly and confidently.
11 >> He uses various describing words.
12 >> He makes action according to suggestion.
13 >> He follows the instruction and act.
1>> >> He can speak on given topic.
15 >> He read with proper pronunciation.
16 >> He participates in chatting hour.
17 >> He encourages learner to recite rhymes.
18 >> He present model of simple question.
19 >> He displays different shapes.
20 >> He is able to deliver speech in English.
21 >> He write about Myself ten line.
22 >> He speaks about myself ten line.
23 >> He tells answers of the questions asked asked in Eng.
2>> >> He make different message.
25 >> He sing rhymes with action.
26 >> He tries to use idioms and proverbs
27 >> He use an English calendar.
28 >> He speaks politely in English.
29 >> He understand conversation for 5-6 minutes.
30 >> He is able to deliver speech in English.
31 >> He notice sequence of incidents.
32 >> He understands simple commands and act.
33 >> He can describe any event.
3>> >> He read aloud and carefully.
35 >> He speaks in English.
36 >> He give a simple instruction.
37 >> He presents enjoyable rhymes songs.
38 >> He picks out rhyming words from poem.
39 >> He each & everything in project is special.
>>0 >> He makes preparation for the project.
>>1 >> He tries to develop handwriting.
>>2 >> He read with proper pronunciation.
>>3 >> He describe the conversation in English.
>>>> >> He guide to other students.
>>5 >> He read poem in rhythm.
>>6 >> He tries to ask question in English
>>7 >> He encourages learner to recite rhymes.
>>8 >> He makes preparation for the project.
>>9 >> He structure of project is very attractive.
50 >> He participates in conversation.


सातत्यपूर्ण सर्वंकष मूल्यमापन

मूल्यमापन अडथळ्याच्या – नोंदी

विषय – इंग्रजी

1 >>  He afraid to speak in English.
2 >>  He does not complete his home work.
3 >> He does not use proper words while speaking.
4 >>  He can’t takes participation in activity.
5 >>  Never try to develop hand writing.
6 >>  Sing rhymes in rough tone.
7 >>  Never participate in conversation.
8 >>  Read with wrong pronunciation.
9 >>  He can’t speak on given topic.
10 >>  He can’t describe simple events.
11 >>  Misguide other students.
12 >>  He can’t describe his imagination.
13 >>  Never follow the rules in writing.
14 >>  He speaks roughly in English.
15 >>  He can’t’ speak confidently.
16 >>  He is not able to prepare cards.
17 >>  Never describe picture in English.
18 >>  He doesn’t respond in English.
19 >>  He uses Rough Language.
20 >>  He uses many Marathi words.
21 >>  He is unable to participate in conversation.
22 >>  He doesn’t pay attention in teaching.
23 >>  He gives wrong answers.
24 >>  He is not eager to learn new words.
25 >>  He does not able to tell story.
26 >>  He drops hard words while reading.
27 >>  He can’t read loudly.
28 >>  He is so shy to speak in English.
29 >>  He discourages other students.
30 >>  He does not speak English.
31 >>  He can‘t express his feelings in English.
32 >>  He can’t express his feelings.
33 >>  He uses various dangerous words.
34 >>  Never describes conversation in story.
35 >>  Never follows instructions and act.
36 >>  He can’t’ speak boldly.
37 >>  He is so shy to ask questions in English.

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